Everything is energy. Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.
Political scientists who write opinion pieces for national newspapers, who offer regular and constant punditry on podcasts and cable news network TV shows – these are the folks who eat, sleep and drink politics as a passion and for profit. Even as this media class broadcasts and livestreams their views to the public, it often feels like they are, in essence, speaking primarily to themselves, amongst themselves. Tuning in to them is, for the wise, a measured practice, taken in balance with the wider realities of average people in everyday life. In other words, listen to them critically, carefully and in context.
In this presidential election season, the political science of it all, for this political observer, takes a backseat to the spirit of it all. Science, analysis and strategy originate in the left brain. Creativity, passion and imagination reside in the right brain. The left brain is linear, mathematical, practical, always in control, realistic, ordered and logical. Much of the punditry of political scientists comes from the left hemisphere of their brains – the daily and hourly analysis of trending in polls is the demonstration of their left brains constantly at work, gaming out the horse race that is elective politics. Because we live in duality – night and day, dark and light, good and evil – we wisely and consciously (in contrast to the left brain) employ the attributes of the right brain: free-spiritedness, yearning, sensuality, art, poetry, the senses and feeling. The left and right brain taken together create a third way, a middle ground, a centered consciousness and a balanced perspective. This is what many people mean when they say that a person is “down to earth” – their hemispheres are properly integrated, they are employing the best of what the left and right brain each have to offer them.
From the commentariat, much is now being made of the jam-packed rallies we are seeing across the country; of the “energy” infusing the Harris for President campaign. When you talk of energy, you are speaking spiritually, for energy is an invisible entity that is made visible through the affect and actions of human beings. In other words, you don’t see the wind, only the effects of it on material things, such as leaves swaying in trees. Webster’s Third International Dictionary defines energy, in part, as “the realized state of potentialities as opposed to their unrealized state.”
Everything is energy. Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.
People, humans, have the unlimited capacity to inspire energy in others. The way you carry yourself, the words you speak to and about others, the aura you bring into every room you enter – all of that possesses energy: “the realized state of potentialities as opposed to their unrealized state.” We are responsible and accountable for the energy we bring to every table around which we sit. Are you aware of the energy you inherently possess and carry? Are you conscious of how your energy affects the people around you? Said another way: Are you aware of the effect you have on others? Is your presence a positive or a negative charge?
The older I get, the more sensitive I am to negative energy on every level – and the quicker I am to turn away from and avoid those bad vibes that are encountered on the path of daily life. You learn to see negativity coming your way from longer distances than you were able to detect as a younger version of yourself. You learn to cross the street before the bad vibes meet you at the corner. And when you can’t altogether avoid negative people, you learn to deflect their energy and not to absorb it. And when you get really good at this game, you learn to transmute unavoidable negative energy with your higher thoughts and your positive commentary. In other words, light cancels darkness every time. Light is foolproof. And walking in the Light will take you everywhere you really want to go.
Everything is energy. Noting rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.
Master your energy and you master your life.